Interest Rates

To The Everyday Investor: My Purpose-Based Investment

By |2024-06-16T22:06:32+13:00June 14th, 2024|Interest Rates, Investment Property, Kids, Kiwisaver, News, Tomorrow's U|

Being a Purpose-Based Investor: A Strategy for Modern Times Often, what's on my mind or heart connects to my purpose of building wealth. Today, I want to discuss why you should consider a purpose-based investment strategy rather than just a goals-based one. Given the world's current changes, this approach offers both risks and opportunities. Getting

The Seasonal Investment Paradigm

By |2024-06-06T21:52:06+13:00June 6th, 2024|Bitcoin, Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

Warning: Most of this post contains an investment strategy with a high probability of failure. Considering the spectrum between 'safe' and 'volatile' in terms of expected outcomes, this one's off the charts. It's not investment advice, or even a good idea. Investments, whether in property, shares, or crypto, follow cycles, and occasionally, someone claims to

Should YOU Pay Off The Mortgage, Or Invest?

By |2024-05-05T14:09:29+13:00May 5th, 2024|Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Kids, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

When should you pay off the mortgage, and when should you invest?   Over the last few years, this question rolls around frequently on social media.   One view suggests that mortgages should be eliminated ASAP. The benefits include not worrying about interest rates, and the ability to invest larger amounts of money into assets

It’s May, But You Didn’t Sell: Can You Go Away?

By |2024-05-30T20:38:59+13:00May 5th, 2024|Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Kids, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

Cycles, superstition, and strategy. Money and life often play tricks on each other. Sometimes, some things, can happen around the same times as other things. Occasionally, superstition seems legitimate. For example, can the weather affect the share market? And do English superstitions, work the same down under? Like, what about this one? 'Sell in May,

Are There Too Many Mortgage Rules?

By |2024-04-28T22:00:22+13:00April 28th, 2024|Finance, Interest Rates, Investment Property, Mortgages, News, Tomorrow's U|

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) has seemingly been on a quest to 'bring down' the property market over recent years, in conjunction with our previous government. The Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA), higher taxes for property investors, increased interest rates, and stricter deposit requirements via Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR) restrictions have all

SHIELD: How to Protect While You Build

By |2024-04-13T13:50:26+13:00April 12th, 2024|Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Kids, Kiwisaver, Myths busted!, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

SHEILD: Want to 'take ground' but feeling unsure?   Invest with confidence, knowing the following 5 areas of personal finance are sorted.   S - Savings (Emergency Fund): How much you need in your emergency fund is determined by the likelihood of you suffering a financial loss, the value of this loss, and the time

How To Be: Wealthy (The 6 Rules For Getting Rich)

By |2024-04-10T21:22:46+13:00April 7th, 2024|Bitcoin, Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Kids, Kiwisaver, Myths busted!, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

I know a lot of people in 'building mode' want to make the best use of what they have – Is this you?   Are you trying to get some income ready for when you’re not working any more?   If so, be prepared for a couple steps forward, and the odd step back too.

Gold Analyst 2024-25 Predictions: Gary Savage

By |2024-03-24T21:04:04+13:00March 24th, 2024|Interest Rates, Investing, Market Place Review, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

The more I learn about how people actually build wealth, the more cautiously I prescribe diversification.   We're sold index funds, but businesses and property are often what really move the needle.   Reliance on compounding returns from dollar cost averaging is awesome, yes. But what happens if you can see the future? Why not

How to Get Rich: The 5 Essential Components of a Financial Strategy Framework

By |2024-03-24T17:12:18+13:00March 17th, 2024|Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News|

Are you an everyday person looking for a way to build wealth and achieve financial freedom? You're not alone. Many people dream of becoming rich, but few understand the essential components of a financial strategy framework that can help them get there. In this article, we'll explore these five key components and how you can

The Great Taking: A Coincidence Theory

By |2024-03-12T21:49:37+13:00March 12th, 2024|Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

“The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb is a book that alleges the existence of a long-term scheme orchestrated by central bankers to subjugate all of humanity. Before you read on, know that I’ve never read the book. This article is my ‘pre-read research’ that I did before parting with any money on Amazon or Audible (not that

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