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Financial Strategy Session


This 2-hour-long ‘financial strategy session’ will provide you with a fresh and often different perspective, ready to take action, make decisions, and move forward.


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What is the Financial Strategy Session?

Here’s what it’s not: It’s ‘not general information’, nor is it ‘tips and tricks’. It’s fine to start there, but at some stage, it’s best to move forward with focus.

At a Financial Strategy Session, you’re not getting stock tips, or advice on timing the market. You’re not going to be ‘sold’ investment products, insurance, property investments, or mortgages.

Here’s what it is: It’s ‘stand alone’ financial advice. Advice that starts in your world, then becomes infused with creative solutions from an outside party, to unlock and paint a clear picture on the best path forward. ‘Good advice’ isn’t a list of all the correct answers – instead, it’s the answers that can move the needle, because it should move you.


Anyone – who’s looking to build more than enough for their future.

First home buyers, next home buyers, property investors, self-directed investors, business owners, lump sum investors – Anyone looking to take what they have, and turn it into something bigger.

Good financial advice gets you to focused on your destination.

Actions are the set of behaviours belonging to predetermined tactics, which form part of a financial strategy. Your strategy is the framework by which you achieve your goals that are aligned to your purpose.


  Gain a one on one perspective on your money-world

Where are you now, and where do you want to be in the future? Is there a line that connects the two points?  What investments (property, shares, managed funds and business) are just the tools that your strategy requires, and what set of actions are required to ensure you’re making the most of your current position?

  Receive clear and actionable insights.

Following a session, you’ll receive an advice document which details your current position, your goals and objectives, and the advice around how you may achieve your goals (along with a critique of the risks and benefits).

  An iterative process

The Financial Strategy Session could be viewed as an iterative financial plan. It’s never going to be complete, because you’re never going to reach perfection right away. Regular input over time will likely result in a much larger impact in your life than knowing high resolution answers upfront.

  No sales pitch.

A Financial Strategy Session is about advice first, not product. Before the tools comes the plan, so before you move forward, we need to first establish the right answer, from the widest set of available options.


Darcy Ungaro

Financial Advisor – Ungaro & Co. Everyday Investor Podcast Host.

Meet Darcy Ungaro, a qualified financial adviser who firmly believes that wealth creation begins in the mind before it materialises in your investment account. The world’s changing and ‘just enough’, may not cut it for where we’re tracking. Darcy spends time thinking about the future, then helps people to prepare the best they can to not only prosper, but safeguard that which they already have.

Darcy believes that traditional wealth-building methods are valuable, but also advocates new ways of thinking to be prepared for the seismic shifts in technology, demographics, and bigger governments. Are you ready for what’s coming?


1- What are your goals?

Goals are the specific events or outcomes you wish to achieve or expedite within a defined timeframe.

  • What does your retirement look like? Automated income and freedom to travel, or playing lawn bowls?
  • What about family? Help the kids into property? What happens when your parents die?
  • What kind of balance can we reach between lifestyle goals, and financial objectives?


2- Strategy.

This is a custom-built framework, based on principles or ‘laws of money’, which you can exploit to achieve your goals.

  • Buy tomorrow’s home at today’s price, but rent it out until you’re ready to move in?
  • ‘Grow first, then harvest’? Invest for growth first, in order to have a larger pool of funds to invest for passive income later on.
  • Be a traditional investor, allocating across all the mainstream asset classes, or hedge your bets to include a different kind of future?


3– Understanding tactics.

What are the investment ‘tools’ or procedures employed by your strategy

  • What are some of the risks with your investments, and are the forecasted returns going to be sufficient/accurate?
  • What are the micro (household) and macro (economic) factors that will determine your financial success?
  • Risk and reward assessment. Understand the magnitude and severity or things that can go wrong/right, then planning accordingly.


4– Take action, then review.

  • Define successful outcomes / break down the set of actions required (how much to invest / where / for how long).
  • Understand the key steps to reach milestones.
  • Review progress periodically.


Book your financial strategy session today

Wealthy, people often credit their success to mindset. Seldom it’s from being an analyst.

The Financial Strategy Session is perfect for those ready to take action in their minds and adjust their views around choices they can make. Acting contrarian takes courage, but often the right decision is moving against the herd. If that’s you and you’re keen to push through the easy times, hard times, and every time in between, this style of financial advice for you.


Q: What can I expect in terms of output from taking this session?

A: You’ll have a 2 hour meeting, either in our offices, or via Zoom. Within 5 working days you’ll receive a report, detailing your current position, your goals, what we discussed, and the key recommendations. Around this time you’ll be prompted to have a short de-brief phone call, but following this, the rest is up to you. Annual reviews are recommended to ensure long-term suitability of the advice.

Q: Is there anything I can do to prepare for this coaching session?

A: Yes! As soon as you’ve booked the meeting, you will be emailed some ‘homework’: This information will be used to help Darcy prepare a meeting agenda for the discussion and will form the starting point of the session. It’s at this point where you can clearly articulate the problem to solve, or describe the decision you have to make.

Q: Are there any online courses that come with a coaching session?

A: Yes! The New Wealth Foundations course contains both beginner, intermediate, and advanced lessons around all aspects of personal finance and investing from a wealth-builders perspective. Upon booking the meeting, you’ll receive 90 days free access to the course so you can complete it before, or after our Financial Strategy Session.

Q: Is this financial advice, and is this financial planning?

A: Yes! According to the law this is financial advice as this is a type of financial planning service. It’s important to note that Darcy Ungaro is a qualified financial adviser but not a certified financial planner or tax adviser.

Q: What are the other types of financial advice you may recommend?

A: The best way to think of this session is like a consultation with your GP. In situations where you require specific solution or more specialised advice, it may be recommended to speak with other advisers in addition to taking the Financial Strategy Session.

Q: Are there any ongoing fees?

A: No, at this stage you pay only for the time that it takes for Darcy to deliver and document financial advice to you, and there is no obligation for you to commit to anything beyond the session you’ve paid for.

Q: Are there any refunds?

A: We follow a strict advice process where we require a clear scope upfront of the advice you would like delivered. If we’re unable to offer the type of advice you’re after, we won’t agree to the session and we’ll refund any fees paid. There are no refunds should we deliver advice, but you don’t like the answer.

Q: Can you meet with my other advisers?

A: Absolutely! If you’re already using an investment adviser, mortgage adviser, or insurance adviser, we can provide perspectives which respect where they’re coming from, and potentially enhance the work their trying to deliver.

Book your financial strategy session today