“The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb is a book that alleges the existence of a long-term scheme orchestrated by central bankers to subjugate all of humanity.

Before you read on, know that I’ve never read the book. This article is my ‘pre-read research’ that I did before parting with any money on Amazon or Audible (not that I could find it there!)

So I hit YouTube and read this article. So far from what I’ve learnt, I’m 50-50 on it, and here’s why.

The central themes or claims the book makes could be true, but like all the theories, there’s often more than one explanation for how the world works. And if you were going to launch a book aimed at the growing number of people learning about central banks, it is a somewhat believable coincidence theory.

The Great Taking is about a plan central banks have to seize all the wealth in the world. Exchange traded funds (ETF’s) will provide a single manager their aligned custodian. In the end they’ll come for your bank deposits, and yes, even your property financed with debt (even un-discharged mortgages fully repaid). How long has this scheme been cooking? Some say it started around the time president Nixon halted the convertibility of the US dollar for gold and started using their ‘exorbitant privilege’ for bigger moves.

David Rogers Webb (who I’ve invited on the podcast) describes in his book the ‘end game’, and it’s an interesting perspective around the central bank synchronicity we’ve observed over the last 4 years. They want to own it all. So globally, all central banks have been introducing subtle changes to relevant laws to undermine individuals’ legal claims on the securities they own.

An engineered private debt accumulation super cycle was the plan all along. Load them up on cheap money, and then crank up interest rates higher for longer to trigger foreclosures. If the timeframe is ‘now’, this could be somewhat challenged should interest rates start falling. Or perhaps this is the warm-up for the big show?

Here’s what Larry Fink says, and keep in mind he sits on the board of the WEF, and runs the worlds largest asset manager, Blackrock: “ETFs are step one in the technological revolution in the financial markets,” he said. “Step two is going to be the tokenization of every financial asset.” Claims of a ‘technological revolution’ from Mr Fink is something to sit up and pay attention to.

In a book I have read, that follows a similar theme, The Creature from Jekyl Island claims there’s only a few hidden individuals who control all central banks. They control the money, and they control the world through political interference, creating war, using major corporations, and manipulating mainstream media. They’re the architects behind a hybrid war against humanity.

I recommend Gregory Mannarino as a source who covers this topic in a dark-humored, shock-horror, based kind of way.

Does this sound a bit whacko to you?

In summary, I may never read this book for the same reason I’m not a fan of the author Dan Brown  It’s too easy taking a set of indisputable facts and spinning another narrative straight through the guts of it.

I struggle with the idea that bureaucratic institutions, no matter how smart the individuals who run them are, can pull something like this off. And even if there was a ‘great taking’, I’m not sure it would require us to do anything different. We still have to work hard, make sure we spend less than we earn, and invest the rest the best that we can.