I’m genuinely impressed by all the people I’ve personally or professionally connected with this year as a result of the Everyday Investor Podcast.

Open-mindedness would be the common denominator. Now this may be a common trait of all those who reach out for advice, or maybe people in general are far more tolerant than we’re led to believe.

Being dogmatic with your worldview is fine too, don’t get me wrong, especially if you’re seeing things accurately. If you’re unsure about how things work, though, being open-minded is the best strategy.

It’s no different to the principles of diversification and concentration in investing.

Stubbornly sticking to just one type of investment or being tribalistic with your favourite asset class can be more about intellectual laziness than it is about investing with high conviction.

Investing in shares, but being equally open to investing in real estate, requires a little more mental energy. Investing in passive index funds when you’re a self-confessed crypto de-gen is a bit of a stretch too.

A great way to test your own level of open-mindedness is to see whether you can handle a conversation about Bitcoin and Jesus, without feeling triggered.

If you believe Jesus is the reason for the season already, or if you don’t, it is quite surprising just how much the Bible talks about money.

Would Jesus be a bitcoiner?

Our political worldview, our childhood, and our Instagram and LinkedIn feeds can often make it hard to see things as they really are.

Ps Alin Armstrong, aka Pastor Coin on X, is my guest today – Be it bitcoin or Jesus, if you’re unsure, do your own research