tomorrow’s U

Retirement – How much will it cost?

By |2018-07-08T23:08:06+13:00July 8th, 2018|Finance, Retirement|

So you’re taking a trip and you’re deciding what to bring. The weather, your free time, transport and accommodation, all important considerations right? Planning a trip and your retirement should be approached in a similar way. If you’re in your 40’s you may have about 20-30 years to prepare for a period of time that

Retirement – What will it be like?

By |2018-06-22T02:12:08+13:00June 22nd, 2018|Finance, Investing, Kiwisaver, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

Now that you know what retirement is (it’s the point in time that you’ve chosen to stop working because you need the money.), Let’s talk about what it’s going to be like. 5-year-olds know what they’re going to be when they grow up - 45-year-olds don’t. What happened? For crying out loud this is a

Retirement – What is it?

By |2018-06-21T22:56:56+13:00June 21st, 2018|Finance, Mortgages, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

1- It’s a point in time. It’s not a state of being. ‘Retired’ sounds so negative - like chewed up and spit out or tired, but not just regular tired - it’s tired again. Retirement isn’t about saggy bits and pieces of pale flesh - there could be something exciting about it, like planning for

What makes a good rental property?

By |2017-11-30T23:10:14+13:00November 30th, 2017|Finance, Investing, Mortgages, Tomorrow's U|

Possibly every first-time property investor has asked me this question. Understandably, if you’re making the call to buy an investment property, you’re comfortable with exceedingly large amounts of debt and taking a risk, for the promise of return down the line. If you’ve read the article on the MRTMAD method and tomorrow’s you, then you’ll

#TomorrowsU needs a new hip – got a spare?

By |2017-11-16T22:53:39+13:00November 16th, 2017|Finance, Insurance, Tomorrow's U|

Turns out waiting until you’re older to get health insurance wasn’t such a good idea after all - the future you wants to have ‘a little chat’ with the present you. It’s totally understandable why present U isn’t down with insurance - we’ve heard it all before: ‘I don’t want to be over-insured’. Which is

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