A poem about the property market in 2023

Hear now, dear listeners, heed this tale of truth, For age approaches, stealthy, swift, uncouth. Though preparation may seem far away, To start late is to falter, come what may.

In property, we build our wealth with glee, Yet tremors shake foundations, we foresee. A correction looms, uncertainty anew, We must adapt, diversify, and thus subdue.

In investments vast, a myriad we find, And in the voices wise, we too unwind. To diversify thy ear, an art profound, With knowledge gained, our wealth shall know no bound.

In wealth creation, communities unite, Yet, wander not within a single site. Embrace the many realms, their wisdom glean, For through diversity, true growth is seen.

So, as ye venture forth on this grand quest, Heed these words and let thy fortune manifest. With open minds and hearts, communities abound, In unity and wisdom, our success is found.



Welcome, everyday investors, to an exciting property-centric podcast episode featuring not just one, but two experts in the property investment space. The market’s landscape is constantly changing, and in the coming months, things might look quite different. This unpredictability calls for a more strategic approach to building wealth compared to siloed, double-downed dogmatism. Even if it worked well so far, we need to stay open.

When focusing solely on property investments, it’s important to recognise the concentration risk. Having a significant amount of resources tied up in one or a few properties can be risky, especially if market fluctuations occur. For many, including myself, concentrating investments in property is where most of our initial success came from, and changing this mindset can be challenging. However, just as  you should invest across a diverse set of assets, you should consider a wide variety of voices too.

In this episode, we have guests from the Property Academy Podcast by Opes Partners, who will share their knowledge and experience in property investment. While it’s essential to diversify your investments to reduce risk, it’s also vital to surround yourself with different voices and perspectives. By promoting other podcasters and voices within the financial realm, we aim to help you make informed decisions when building your wealth.

Applying a framework to your investment strategy can help streamline your approach and make it easier to manage. For example, think of yourself as a fund manager, overseeing not just individual investments like property, KiwiSaver, and shares, but also the entire portfolio. Your goal should be to minimize losses while maximizing gains, even during uncertain times.

In this episode, we’ll discuss various topics related to property investments with our guests, Andrew Nicoll and Ed McKnight, who first appeared on the podcast five years ago. Topics include preparing for debt-to-income ratios, the odds of interest deductibility returning, and the potential challenges facing New Zealand property developers.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Everyday Investor on YouTube, where you can enjoy our content in a visual format. Additionally, our New Wealth Foundations course is back up and running for those interested in a self-guided personal finance course from a wealth builder’s perspective. We’ll be hosting webinars every Wednesday to discuss themes within the course for the next two months.

Remember, it’s never too late to start preparing for retirement, but is possible to arrive at retirement not prepared. By diversifying your investments, and the set of voices you learn from, you can navigate the uncertain future of property investments with confidence and success.