Our future promises to be vastly different from the world we know now. Why, because we’re living in an exponential age, and technology is now moving at a pace we’re not prepared for.

Parents, like myself, and like you too, may be grappling with an unusual quandary. How do we teach our children to thrive, not just by arming them with money, but by preparing them for a world that is diverging starkly from the one we grew up in?

Growing up, I found simple pleasure in listening to 8-track tapes in my dad’s Buick, a luxury in its own right at the time. Today, my kids are growing up in a world where YouTube algorithms know them better than I do. The transition from owning the content, to merely streaming, it is a subtle one, yet it is indicative of a larger trend. Our ownership of objects, once a measure of success and status, is gradually being replaced by the convenience of subscriptions and rentals.

Is it possible that one day we’ll own nothing? AND, be happy?

What happens when this trend extends to property, cars, experiences, or even relationships? When personal ownership is discouraged, and compliance with external mandates rewarded, like a frog in the pot, we may not spot it until it’s too late. This land of comfort, ease, and improvement, is seductive and yet pretty much unavoidable.

Nestled nicely in nuanced comfort and ease, we skip the t’s and c’s – because what could be worse torture than actually weighing up the value of convenience with the strings that are always attached behind the scenes. Peer or family pressures to conform mixed with reinforced corporate messaging influencing our choices. Who’s drum are we really marching to? Where are we ultimately marching?

This isn’t to say that all convenience is a booby trap, but rather, a reminder that we shouldn’t lose sight of the basic, old-fashioned skills that have served us before the era of convenience took over. As a parent, it’s part of my job to help my children navigate this balance. Learning how to hunt, how to set up a veggie garden, how to fix tools, drive motorbikes…there’s no limit of skills from days gone by that we’d do well to consider teaching our kids. Investing for the future like we always have in the past, is almost as crazy as parenting in a way we wish were parented ourselves.

On to the understanding of intergenerational wealth. My aim isn’t just to leave my children a legacy of wealth but to equip them with the tools to build, manage, and pass on wealth.

Getting wealth: It’s not just about filling our own buckets; it’s about preparing our children to fill theirs. For while we produce the wine, we also have to ready the vessel.

Should your interest lean towards creating a pathway for abundant wealth in your life, and subsequently preparing your children for its eventual reception, reach out to me. Engaging in conversations to assist you further in this journey is something I truly welcome. Because, preparing for this rapidly changing world has transcended beyond being just a vocation, it’s evolving into my core purpose.

Until then, I hope you enjoy this discussion.