The Overton window represents the range of opinions found in most everyday people. If you express opinions within this window, you can usually keep your social and professional status without much trouble. You only lose the friends who are a tad extreme. This might seem like a sensible strategy, but it also shows a kind of thinking that’s easy, but very risky. We are taught from a young age to stay within the boundaries. This means we are only open-minded about the things that we are told to be open-minded about. Sometimes, when we face a problem that we don’t know how to solve, we expect someone else to fix it for us. I have an observation from visiting wealthy people every week.

Those who have built their own wealth often use a strategy of thinking beyond the limits, and they often have views that are outside the Overton window.

Bitcoin is not only a form of money, but also a form of wealth. By owning bitcoin, one can store and transfer value across time and space, without relying on intermediaries. Bitcoin also enables new ways of creating and distributing wealth – and you can literally dollar cost average into power, and mine bitcoin.

The Overton window is the range of opinions that most people accept as normal.  Conventional thinking leads to mediocrity.

If you think bitcoin is less valid than investing in shares, then I invite you to take a closer look at a company that does one thing: – It tries to be part of a new financial system. If you did some research and it suited you, you could own a piece of technology at an early stage. You can be dollar cost averaging into low-fee index funds – you can be a value investor; maybe you are into property or start-ups. Don’t limit yourself to one option – I encourage you to learn the language of another asset class.

I allocate 10% of my portfolio to bitcoin – This is not the advice I would give to everyone, so please don’t take it as a rule or a recommendation. I used to be a well-informed skeptic about bitcoin. I thought that if you can create it online, it’s not real. I don’t think that way anymore. It’s not good for financial advisers to endorse an option that cuts them off from a money machine. I did some research – I saw the light – I’m being honest because I think this is something you should learn about. It’s only a small part of my portfolio, but because I knew why it was bad, I had to learn a lot more about why it was good to be open to it.

Check out Easy Crypto, NZ’s most trusted on and off-ramp to the crypto asset universe, and sponsor of the Everyday Investor podcast.

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