quantitative easing

People are Strange…

By |2023-08-12T09:13:17+13:00August 10th, 2023|Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Market Place Review, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

The Doors of Perception "In between the things that are known, and unknown, lie the doors of perception." Jim Morrison was often revered and feared in equal measure. In the world of financial markets, where varying perspectives may reveal hidden truths that govern our economic reality, there are other voices that may carry the knowledge

What is INFLATION and why should you care?

By |2020-06-29T04:33:46+13:00June 29th, 2020|Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Mortgages|

Inflation – on the surface, it would appear at times as though you’re doing really well with investing. If the ‘wealth’ you see is increasing over time, this is great right – but have you factored in inflation? Property has for the most part in NZ, doubled every 10 yrs in price (at least for Auckland)

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