Interest Rates

Investing Through a Currency Reset

By |2024-03-03T16:30:41+13:00March 3rd, 2024|Bitcoin, Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Kids, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

In the coming years, there's a non-zero chance we may witness a significant financial event known as a currency reset. A currency reset could work as it would allow governments to repay their debts in the new world by making their currency worthless, thus reducing the real value of their obligations. This reset could potentially

On the Eve of OCR Announcement-ness

By |2024-02-26T22:08:14+13:00February 26th, 2024|Interest Rates, Investing, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

As we bit farewell to February, let's talk about the month where interest rate expectations changed. While we'd all love for property prices to stay stable and even start increasing. When you're in my business, it's much better when people feel wealthy! It's time to face the cold, hard truth: the NZ property market might

This is YOU in 2029

By |2024-02-17T17:04:49+13:00February 17th, 2024|Bitcoin, Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Market Place Review, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

I always dreamt of ocean fishing whenever I wanted. When I was young this wasn't even possible because of where I lived, and how much resource my family had. In my new world, every weekend, with one of my kids, I spend at least 1 hour fishing. We live near the ocean, where this time

DTI’s, CPI’s, Mortgages & You!

By |2024-02-03T23:15:03+13:00February 3rd, 2024|Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Mortgages, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

To choose the best time to lock in your mortgage rate, you need to get three things right: How much will rates change? Which direction will rates go, and when will the rates change. It may seem like a lot of work, but think of the potential reward - if you timed it right at

Inflation and Interest Rates to Fall in 2024?

By |2024-01-11T23:48:07+13:00January 11th, 2024|Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Tomorrow's U|

If you aim to build wealth independently, the right mindset can lead to significant achievements, even if you're starting with little. In this article, I want to highlight something beyond our control – inflation. Surveying our community last October revealed a profound impact as a result of inflation surging about 22.8% since March 2020. Inflation,

Reverse Mortgages in 2024

By |2024-01-07T22:27:31+13:00January 7th, 2024|Interest Rates, Investing, Mortgages, Myths busted!, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

How to Unlock the Value of Your Home with a Reverse Mortgage One of the assumptions that many of us make when we invest in property is that over the long term, we will be able to sell our home for more than we paid for it. This is based on the historical trend of

Property and Interest Rate Predictions for 2024: The Importance of a Tactical Approach

By |2023-12-31T08:22:59+13:00December 31st, 2023|Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Investment Property, Mortgages, News, Tomorrow's U|

The Tactical Approach For everyday shmucks like you and me to benefit from technology, we rely on operating systems. Software unlocks the potential benefit contained in the hardware. In a similar way, each investment we make involves both the asset itself, and an operating system - or what I’d call a tactical approach. A tactical

The Nature of Money and War

By |2023-11-11T11:05:00+13:00November 11th, 2023|Bitcoin, Interest Rates, Investing, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

Money is a powerful force that shapes our lives and the world we live in. It can be a source of joy, freedom, and prosperity or a cause of greed, corruption, and conflict. Money just amplifies what was already there. If you're not perfect, I hope you appreciate my take on this topic of money.

Global events may cause us to save more, and that’s bad.

By |2023-11-05T18:47:26+13:00November 2nd, 2023|Interest Rates, Investing, News, Retirement, Tomorrow's U|

The following article is speculating on the future, shouldn't be taken too seriously, and definitely shouldn't be considered 'advice' or guidance in any way. Part One Global events may cause us to save more, and that’s bad. From March 2020 until now, a shockwave launched in uncertainty has advanced almost everything already in motion. In

How the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s Mistake Could Affect Your Investments!

By |2023-10-29T22:29:07+13:00October 29th, 2023|Finance, Interest Rates, Investing, Mortgages, News|

How the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s Mistake Could Affect Your Investments Investing is not just about having the right tools, but also having a clear vision of what you want to achieve and why. To make a living, you need skills. To get your income working, you need to learn new skills. Throw in

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